
EULEX organizes its first Virtual Job Fair for Women

28 June

On 28 June 2024, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) organized its first Virtual Job Fair for Women.

The talent outreach Job Fair aimed at women with different professional profiles who are interested in working within a Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Mission in the rule of law, security, and peace building.

Thanks to a direct exchange with EULEX Managers and Mission Members, almost 140 participants had the opportunity to learn more about working conditions and daily mission life, application and selection process, and job possibilities within EULEX, the largest EU CSDP Civilian Mission.

The Head of EULEX, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, and the Deputy Head of EULEX, Emily Rakhorst, opened the intense half-day fair, welcoming the participants and recalling the importance of having an inclusive and diverse workforce.

The webinar was organized through seven panel sessions, aiming at covering different professional backgrounds and opportunities:

Working Conditions and Daily Mission Life

Application and Selection Process

  • Job Possibilities for Prospects with Police, Forensic or Correctional Background
  • Job Possibilities for Prospects with Legal or Political Background
  • Job Possibilities for Prospects with Administrative, Reporting or Communication Background
  • Job Possibilities for Prospects with Finance, Logistics, Transport, IT or Medical Background
  • Job Possibilities for Prospects with Public Safety Background.