
Statement of EULEX’s Head of Mission, Giovanni Pietro Barbano

30 October 2024

I regret to acknowledge that some NGOs operating in northern Kosovo are refusing to discuss their concerns with EULEX, thus missing the chance to share their concerns with the Mission in an open discussion.

While noting their requests, I recall that, in line with its current mandate, EULEX robustly monitors all cases of concern through the entire chain of justice but does not carry out investigations into individual cases. I therefore encourage anyone who requires information on the status and outcomes of such investigations to file their requests with the relevant authorities. These are: the Prosecutorial Authorities, the Kosovo Police, and for alleged cases of police misconduct, the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, all of which are accountable for guaranteeing the human rights of every person without discrimination.

EULEX remains committed to its activities in the north aimed at enhancing trust and security through monitoring and advising on rule of law-related matters. We will continue to engage with civil society for the benefit of all communities, condemning any acts which undermine social cohesion, and progress achieved through the EU-facilitated dialogue such as intimidation, hate speech and sexual harassment.