
Modern Day Community Policing – Social Media

29 November 2017

A comprehensive communications strategy to ensure meaningful two way dialogue between the police and the community at all levels is one of the fundamental principles of modern day policing. A key issue for police organisations is, to both respond to community needs, and also inform the community of the work and activities the organisation is delivering; the intention being to provide a safe and secure environment for all.   As methods and mediums of communication evolve the need for the police to engage with the e-community becomes increasing important. All modern police services now need to present and active within social.

With a view to assisting Kosovo Police in continuing to develop this area of activity, EULEX in partnership with UNDP facilitated a workshop that was attended by twenty Kosovo Police offices to consider  how Kosovo Police could increase its use of the ever evolving social media platforms that now exist.

Ms Niina Koivisto, EULEX  Police Adviser  Strengthening Division one of the organisers of the event, emphasised that “in relation to Community Policing, EULEX alongside its partner agency UNDP  is supporting  Kosovo Police in its  efforts to build strong civilian policing capabilities that enhance community oriented policing in Kosovo. The workshop aimed to promote two way dialogue between the community and police, by making effective use of the numerous social platforms that are available “

The effective use of e-communication, will allow Kosovo Police to increase its visibility, increasing its engagement with the community which provides the opportunity, to identify the needs, concerns and opinions of the  community in a  more effective and  responsive way. With a more effective communications strategy a police service is able to deliver a service that is both needed and relevant, that includes the prevention and detection of crime and addresses other community concerns.

To highlight the importance of this workshop Kosovo Police Deputy General Director Mr. Dejan Jankovic stated, “Kosovo Police continues to seek opportunities to increase the dialogue it has with its community in a professional and systematic way, this being done by continuing to develop a more proactive approach. Kosovo Police is very interested in developing its use of additional communication methods, with the expertise and lessons shared today being very useful.”

EULEX and UNDP will continue to support and work in partnership with Kosovo Police to further develop this important area of community engagement.